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Hi! I have an issue with NOLF GOTY edition, hope someone can help me. The game don't accept my customized control configuration. E.g. I set F for flashlight, shift for run and so on. After customizing it I click on the OK, and when I go back to the configuration, everything is in defeault again. 2 years ago I had no such problems. Will this Modernizer help me in this issue? This problem seems minor, but the default settings are really uncomfortable.


This is very similar to the “dinput.dll” problem for all countries where the non-Latin alphabet is used. You need to copy the dinput.dll file from the old DirectX version to the game folder.

Read here, link to file "dinput.dll" here too.

Im having issues with shadows appearing at very low resolution. I have circular shadows turned on in the diplay settings, but all shadows are very blocky. Any potential leads on what might be causing me this issue.

(1 edit)

Hey Nolf Modernizer community! You did such nice work! Finally I can play NOLF 1 without any problem on Full HD, on Windows 10 and with german fonts and voices. But... yeah I got a problem. The sound files the games plays enemies say when you are caught, they hear your coin etc. etc. are in english. All other voices like dialogs, cutscenes and conversations between npc's are in german. Can anybody help me with that issue? I know it's only a small issue but for me it's so important because I miss these particular small voice actions... 

regards Fanta from Germany

(4 edits) (+1)

Translations of the NOLF game with MODERNIZER 1.006 Patch 3.1 mod into all European languages (English, German, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish)  + WidescreenGOTY(by jackfuste) + WidescreenPatch(by WOBAK) Download  ( 27 Mb ) here
or here
Please set in the properties of the  shortcut NOLF start the game as Administrator: NOLF game shortcut -> right mouse button -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Run as Administrator
Compatible with NOLF 1.003, NOLF 1.004 GOTY, NOLF Revival.
Tested on Windows 7x64, Windows 10
VirusTotal check - no viruses  :)

You can also find German and Italian translations on the Spawn website

Hello! I'm having the issue related to fonts and I can't find anywhere else where this problem is solved.

-- Hello World, We're all set here. Enjoy the show!
Hooked window!
Initialized interface\fonts\font_help.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\font_small_0.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\font_med_0.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\font_large_0.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\font_large_0_hd.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\font_title.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\MsgFontFore.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\NumberFontFore.pcx
Cannot load font: interface\fonts\font_air.pcx
Cache Miss for <945350828>
Invalid window proc call <144>, ignoring
Invalid window proc call <2>, ignoring
Invalid window proc call <130>, ignoring

would a reinstall fix everything maybe?

Patch 3.2 has been taken down again. Need to throw that back into the oven! In the mean time 3.1 works great!

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago

Had an itch to replay this series, so glad I found out about this before diving in, the game plays perfectly with this.

Thank you.

Tried both original and GOTY versions. They run well without the modernizer, but when I enable it in customize options, I get this error on launch:

ERROR in CInterfaceMgr::Init(): Could not initialize InterfaceResMgr!

I use Win 7 64 and GTX 760 video.


Hey there! Have you extracted all of the files into your installation directory?

Also what language version of NOLF are you using? I only really support the english version, so I'm not sure if I can help with any international release.

I tried US releases. Extracted all files, some files were replaced.

I'm not sure then! That specific error you get has to do with fonts which is odd!

Does the game work without the mod?

Yeah, both versions work without the mod. The problem appears when I add modernizer in customize options and disappears when I remove it. I must add that I use Win 7 with Japanese locale, now that you mentioned that it seems to be related to fonts...

ah yeah that could explain it. Sorry these old engines are great with fonts. Do you have the default English Ariel font installed? I believe it falls back onto that if it detects a different language.

I’ll poke around in the code sometime this week or weekend to figure out if we can get you in game.

(1 edit)

I am getting the same error for the GOTY edition. I am using US/ English fonts.  Edit. I just tried it with out the modernizer file added and I still get the error.

Can you upload your debug.log file? Should be in your NOLF directory.

Sorry. i just saw your reply. I have since uninstalled the game. I can reinstall it and try again. If it gets the same results I will upload the file. 

(1 edit)

hi, im also having this issue and i can post my own debug file 

-- Hello World, We're all set here. Enjoy the show!
Hooked window!
Initialized interface\fonts\font_help.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\font_small_0.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\font_med_0.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\font_large_0.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\font_large_0_hd.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\font_title.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\MsgFontFore.pcx
Initialized interface\fonts\NumberFontFore.pcx
Cannot load font: interface\fonts\font_air.pcx
Cache Miss for <945350828>
Invalid window proc call <144>, ignoring
Invalid window proc call <2>, ignoring
Invalid window proc call <130>, ignoring

Edit: I currently don't have any other language set on my PC besides english

Hello! Sorry for the delay. You might need to reinstall the game. It's trying to load a file from the original game that doesn't seem to exist! When I get some more time, I'll look into it more but that'd be the first thing I'd try! 


Any progress on NOLF2 patch? :)


Possibly 🤔


WOW, can't believe you actually made it! THANK YOU! :)

Amazing work on the patch, but I have an issue where the screen seems to be cut off, the crosshair is way over on the left side on the screen. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hey there!

This might be caused by having Windows display scaling set to anything except for 100%.

So if you're still experiencing the issue, try going to Settings -> Display in Windows, and set "Scale and layout"'s scale option to 100%.


thanks for the patch

Hi HeyJake!

This is fantastic, thank you, the scope issue in particular was really frustrating! Just one thing which is probably an error this end - the crosshair has disappeared and I can't seem to return it since I modernized! Any hints?


Actually ignore that - I turned the hardware fix off then on again and restarted and it returned.thanks again for a great patch!

I'll have to look into that, thanks for the info and on the temp fix! Hope you enjoy the game!

I upgraded from Windows 8 to 10. I get a message that directx 7 is not installed. How do I install it?

Not sure! Try installing the latest version of DirectX9, it contains all the previous ones too.

If that doesn't work, try upgrading your video drivers. Hope that helps! 

 Added a windowed mode toggle to the display options.

Hi, I don't see the windowed switch anywhere in the display menu. I just want to play windowed @ 1280x960

Hey there! 

It turns out that option was accidentally removed during a code merge. If you add +windowed 1 in the command line options of the launcher it'll give you windowed mode!

(1 edit)

Is there also a command line option to specify resolution?

Apparently if I add a cli option to to the starters desktop icon it gets passed to the game.
The issue is that windowed mode crashes in the resolution I play at. I need something different.

Ultimately I wont a different icon for the jukebox

(1 edit)

Naturally, I found the answer half a minute after I made the comment.
However it would be nice if a -jukebox option was available that does the same. (if it's possible to do)

A tad annoying that there are no taskbar buttons in windowed mode to minimize it. But I guess that's just how they implemented windowed mode, way back then.

(1 edit)

Hi HeyJake,

Firstly, thanks for your work here. I was wondering if you had run into any issues with textures flickering in the main menu, cinematics, and during gameplay. Someone made a post on reddit here and linked to a video of the issue:

That's not my video but I'm getting the same problems. I installed your patch and it fixed the widescreen but I'm still seeing the flickering. Anything you can think of that would be causing this?



Hey there!

Unfortunately there must be a problem with your video card's drivers. The game uses a very old version of DirectX that not a lot of card manufacturers support well anymore.

You could try installing dgvoodoo2, it translates the old DirectX calls to a newer version. However it's closed source, and I can't offer any assistance with that application!

Hope that helps!


Hi again HeyJake. Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to help even though my issue wasn't related to your content. I gave dgvoodoo2 a shot and it works like a charm! Thanks so much for the recommendation! You're the best!



Glad to hear it works, hope you enjoy the game!

The mod is working nicely, except that performance is really bad when looking down the scope, which is one of the things you thought you'd fixed and is actually fine when not using the mod. Any pointers on how to fix it?

That's odd. What's your hardware? (Also what OS are you running)

Regarding your graphics card, is it a desktop gpu? or is it a laptop with a dual integrated and discrete card?

On some cards this game just doesn't run great, and it's unfortunate because there's not much I can do 😫

The hardware is a Ryzen 2700X and an RTX 2080 Ti.

The OS is Kubuntu 18.04, and the game is running through dgVoodoo2 and DXVK. I'm fairly confident about the Linux & DXVK side - particularly since the game is working so well apart from this one issue, and there are a lot of widespread high-stress tests of Linux/DXVK - but less so about dgVoodoo2 and your patches, and particularly the interactions between them.

If you could give some details of what the initial issue with the scope was, and what you did to change its behaviour, that might give me an idea of where to poke it to see if I can make it work better. After using your mod for a while, and turning it off for testing after I saw the issue, the experience with your mod is much improved over vanilla and I'd really like to keep using it.

Ah yeah. dgVoodoo2 causes some other issues with framerate (dynamic lighting in particular.) You might have luck trying to use an earlier version of it. I haven't used DXVK with this, so that might also be causing a bit of a drop.

Regarding the scope issues..
The game originally performed (to my best guess) a screen lock to manually adjust each pixel colour whenever the game would call "FillRect". I created a class to scale all FillRect's to 32x32 and cache them, then use a ScaleBlit function to more quickly perform the same operation without the need of a screen lock.

I know there were a few folks using Wine to run the game, and they didn't have much trouble with it, have you tried not using dgVoodoo2 and DXVK?

We unfortunately don't have the renderer's source code, so we can't improve on this behaviour. Hopefully one day, someone can figure out the rights issue with the NOLF franchise and do a proper pass on these games. NOLF 1 especially needs it

(1 edit) (+1)

Just tested with just your patch and no dgVoodoo2 or DXVK and the issue's still there. And the first test had dgVoodoo2 and DXVK but not your patch, and was fine.

Edit: Well, that's embarrassing. I enabled some HUDs and saw that none of my previous tests had actually been using dgVoodoo2. After enabling that, the scope problem vanished.

Well I'm glad it's working now! Enjoy!


Great patch

(4 edits) (+1)

Voice acting :   English, French, German, Russian (2 voice acting).
Adapted for MODERNIZER 1.006 ver.3.1  
Change: French and Russian voice acting converted standard 64 kbps, as EN & GE
Download  (  448 Mb )

MD5: 363525D2AC0B53BD2810AA54C53D3B79

(4 edits) (+1)

Translations of the NOLF game with MODERNIZER 1.006 Patch 3.1 mod into all European languages (11 GUI) + WidescreenGOTY(by jackfuste) + WidescreenPatch(by WOBAK)
Changes: bug fix
Download  ( 27 Mb )

Please set in the properties of the  shortcut NOLF start the game as Administrator: NOLF game shortcut -> right mouse button -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Run as Administrator
Compatible with NOLF 1.003, NOLF 1.004 GOTY, NOLF Revival.
Tested on Windows 7x64, Windows 10
VirusTotal check - no viruses  :)

Great work!
Will you make same patch for NOLF2 ?



(4 edits) (+1)

Aha ... found a bug on my system  Windows 10 Enterprise 1809 LTSC...
Before installing  NOLF Modernizer 1.006 with Patch 3.1,  you must install    Microsoft Visual C ++ Visual studio 2015
Or. more good, to install  Microsoft Visual C++ Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019(x64 & x86)

Otherwise, a catastrophic Windows crash due to  d3dim700.dll

Thanks I'll make a note of that for the next patch!

(1 edit)

Unfortunately, I need to restart the game 3 times after installing the MODERNISER mod:    :(

1. Install the mod, disable the mod in the menu, start the game, restore the default settings, exit the game.
2. Launch the game, enable the mod, set the resolution to 1920x1080 ... bug: mouse pointer in a limited area of the screen ... solution: press Esc then Alt-F4, exit the game.
3. Start the game, play

(1 edit)

Hi HeyJake!
You can make a screen and mouse fix for the game “Contract J.A.C.K.” ?
This is the third game in the NOLF series.
To limit fps to 60 - 75, I now installed the “RivaTuner Statistics Server” utility from the “MSI Afterburner” package and set the “framerate limit” = 60 in the settings of this utility


Seems to work fine, but I was wondering why Cate's outfit changes to her orange dress in the main menu with this installed? Was this a thing in the original game?

On another note, which widescreen patch can be used with this? And finally, could it be possible to scale up the text in the menus to accommodate for higher resolutions?

Thanks and keep up the good work.

(4 edits) (+1)

Patch FontSizeFix  Increases the font size for the Nolf game menu.
Adapted for MODERNIZER 1.006 ver.3.1
Download  ( 17 Kb ),  read HELP

(1 edit) (+1)


First, thank you for your good work

I'm currently working on Polish translation for NOLF1 I have Polish characters but  the font seems to be little fuzzy, and letters are more squeezed together than English text. And some people say the game slows down when the translation is active. Is there any chance to fix it?

Also if i understand it right, the game uses its internal bitmap font for English and chooses some vector font from system. Am I right? And If so, how can I find out which font it is? I could try to change this font with some other that might be rendered better if I knew what font this game uses.

I also found some issues with your patch. There are no Back/Next/OK text on the arrows in menu.

And without patch I can close screen with intelligence item text using action key. Witch Modernizer action key doesn't work and I need to use ESC.

(7 edits)

A good idea! I made a Multilingual installer for 9 European languages(English, French, German, Italian, Russian, etc.) and added MODERNIZER ver.1.005 + Mod WidescreenGOTY  + Fix game Menu Control Configuration for no-latin Windows(Russia, Bulgaria, Belarus, etc.).
I can also add your Polish language.
I need your CRES.dll file from the NolfGoty.rez archive file (version 1.004) .. if you do not, then from the NOLFCRES003.REZ file (version 1.003), or from the NOLF2.REZ file (version 1.001)
To unzip the REZ files, download this package:
Then put the CRES.dll file (approximately 1 Mb) on the file hosting service.
If you have Polish voice acting (this is the VOICE folder, 100Mb from the NOLF2.REZ archive), put this folder as well.
I already have English, German, French and Russian voice acting.
I can make a multi-installer for voice acting as well.

I gladly add my translation to your installer as soon as it'll be complete. I don't have voice acting, only subtitles in CRES.dll and I'm currently correcting some typos before I will share first test version to find any other issues. If you want, I could also add translation for new menu options in your patch (jukebox etc.). I'll probably also translate launcher (NOLF.exe) and I'd like to include it as well.

There's however one problem with translated subtitles. As I said earlier even with your patch the game displays them squeezed together and fuzzy which really affects readability. You say it's due bad vector font rendering in the game. You said it probably can't be fixed without engine source code (I hope you'll find some way to do it) so I'd like to try at least try changing used Windows font and hopefully find something that renders as more readable. Do you know which font is used in the game for non English text or how can I find out?

As far as I know, the author (HeyJake) MODERNIZER does not do localization ... maybe in the future ...
For non-English GUIs, the default font is Arial.
If you want the same font as in the English version, then you need to fix these files from the NOLF2.REZ \ INTERFACE \ FONTS archive
You must add Polish letters to these files so that the total number of characters remains unchanged.
The problem is that the Polish alphabet has more letters than the English.
If you do Polish localization and ignore this problem, then all the "non-English" characters will be lost.
For example, you can add Polish letters only in uppercase, and lowercase letters in English. Then make a conversion table.
Unfortunately, I can no longer help you, because I do not create translations, but use ready-made ones.

Thanks for info. I thought about adding Polish characters to .pcx files but I had some problems with .fnt file (I'm somewhat tech savvy but maybe not enough to do it right the first time). Maybe I'll try again later if I can be sure that all  I can squeeze all needed letters into those files.

Thank God NOLF2 uses .ttf fonts by default and I've done its translation without such technical issues.

(1 edit)

20 years ago, russian programmers managed to squeeze the Cyrillic alphabet into PCX files ... the text turned out to be not very beautiful, but you can read it…

IMHO, you can only change PCX files from NOLF2.REZ \ INTERFACE \ FONTS
In the future, you will add your Polish CRES.dll to the converted PCX files and format it as a REZ file. Other files cannot be modified (IMHO), as there will be no compatibility with different versions of NOLF.
By the way, maybe you have CRES.dll Polish localization of the game "Contract J.A.C.K."?
I now have these GUIs for Contract J.A.C.K. : English, German, French, Russian. It is interesting to make the Multilingual Patch for Contract J.A.C.K as well!

(2 edits)

Hi, HeyJake!
I solved the problem of translating into a non-English vector font, it turned out to be easy, although not obvious ...

I can not fix this error:
After changing the display resolution, the mouse pointer moves to a limited area of the display (25-50% of the screen area), After re-opening the game, the mouse pointer works fine.
Those. After changing the resolution, do you need to restart the game? Can you fix it?
Perhaps you should change some lines in autoexec.cfg?
MB Z77HD3,  CPU Intel Core i5, RAM  16Gb, Video NVIDIA GeForce 560Ti , WD Gold 2Tb,  Monitors LG 24MP88HV, (or LG 24MP55D),  Windows 10 Enterprise 1809 LTSC; (or  Windows 7x64 SP1 Pro)

Im glad the problem was pretty simple in the end! And odd. I'll have to look into that sometime this weekend!

Apologies for the weird bug!

(5 edits)

Hi, HeyJake!
I have a problem installing your Modernizer for the Russian GUI (translation “7Wolf”) with the vector font “Nolf” (similar to the English version).
This is a problem due to the Cyrillic encoding (for Germany, Spain, France there is no such problem)
I have no problem installing the Windows font (the Russian translation is “AlexSoft”), but the speed of the game is reduced, and the text of this translation also does not match the Russian voice acting from “7Wolf”.

I need a “clean” Modernizer, which does not have CRES.dll (or have official CRES.dll English-GOTY) and contains only a fix for the mouse and display (60Hz).
Additional options (jukebox, etc.) are interesting ... but without them you can play.


What do you think mouse fix by Airslide?
It also works,…  your way is better (IMXO) ...
Download here



I actually couldn't get those fixes to work, and that's why I decided to build this fix! But yeah it's primarily for English users due to how old the engine is. (It's not exactly unicode friendly sadly.)

I'm not sure about the translation issues you're having, and I can tell you vector fonts in this engine (It's fixed in NOLF 2 thankfully) really slow down the game. The game renders them weirdly, and there's not much I can do about it :(

However if you can live without the other fixes, I've made a fix mainly used by speedrunners. It's pretty much the pure experience with the framerate locked to 60, and the mouse fix applied.

Just download the NOLF Revival release. 

That fix actually injects my code rather than recompiling the entire game. So it should hopefully work for you! (Aka it doesn't include any custom cres.dll!)

(1 edit)

I checked this before writing to you ...

“Lithfix Beta 1/2 – NOLF”  Does not work on my Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit LTSC v1809 ... “Missing Shell.dll cshell.dll” error message … Это only works on Windows 7x64 SP1 ...
"NOLF Modernizer 1.006 with Patch 3.1" and  "NOLF Modernizer 1.005" works well on my Windows 10 ...
it's hard for me to understand ...
Can You just remove everything “optional” from NOLF Modernizer 1.006 / 1.005 and leave only the necessary?

Sorry that it's not working right!
The problem is I can't remove the optional bits because my mod relies on some new strings from CRes.dll! You can however give it a try, you can download Winrez Studios and extract the modernizer.rez file yourself, delete the cres.dll and rebuild it.

Good luck! I can't really help you further, because I'm not sure what's causing the issue here. :(

Yes, this is a famous utility from the Black Angel ...

I hope that in the future you will change your mind in favor of non-English players ... A few years ago I launched the "Contract JACK" server with NOLF2 maps, it was funny, there were no more than 10% of USA players, and 90% of Europe ..

Thank you for your work and good luck!

And what other nolf game had jetpacks :D

(1 edit)

This doesn't work with NOLF from
I believe I followed the instruction but the game remains 1.004 and there's no jukebox.

I tried with older stuff, but it doesn't seem to work at all. No error, nothing.

did you unzip everything in the NOLF folder and enable the res file in the launcher? (Note Modernizer should be the only Rez file enabled in the launcher!)


Yes. I even tried with a different instance with the original installer. The rez file was even added automatically, when I looked. Though I'm not sure if this inszance was working fine the copied gamesaves were ignored.

(4 edits)

Hey there, I've added an optional launcher fix, can you give that a download and see if it fixes the issue? It seems Nolf revival's rez file is always being included. Which is odd! I slightly altered that.

Just super make sure that the Advanced -> Customize section has Modernizer.rez on the right hand side with the checkbox checked. (You can ignore the other items on the right in my screenshot!)

Thanks. I'll experiment when I'll have time.

I thought the normal way was having


in the command line section, which I used before. (This was automatically added)

What I get with the other method is the game not starting so far.

Ah yea the command line won’t work because the Rez file is in the custom folder! So it would be custom/Modernizer.rez 

and can you try removing the d3dim700.dll, some users are oddly having issues with that file.

hope that fixes it!

Thanks for your work! One question: Is ist possible to keep german strings in the game? Now strings are english. 

Unfortunately the source code only came with English strings. So no. Sorry!

I translated (Strings 20568-20588; 30084-30106) to german and replaced CRES.DLL in your MODERNIZER.REZ. Looks good! I can provide you this file if you want.

(2 edits)

Interesting idea!
I also easily added the Russian GUI to MODERNIZER (new, added menu items are not translated, but this can be done) at the request of a "NOLF-fanat"  from the Russian forum (I personally use Windows7x64 and have no problems with the mouse), this is  here (aka “Alex002”)
I will be grateful if you put your German CRES.dll on a file hosting service...
The NOLF game uses the “Nolf font” (fast FPS) for the English version and the Windows font (slow FPS, but the correct text) for non-English versions ...
Perhaps that is why many players prefer the English version ...
Two Russian translations of the GUI have the option “Nolf-font” and one translation of the GUI “Windows-font”

Nice folks! Feel free to release community translations! I'm hard at work with NOLF2 Modernizer, so I won't be updating anything here, but I can throw a link up if needed.

And yeah, the game uses the slowest ttf font rendering i've ever seen with non-english languages. I'm not sure I can fix that without the engine source code though, as the english versions use bitmap fonts and the character definitions (the thing that understands which character is where on the bitmap) is not anywhere accessible. :(

Good news NOLF 2 handles it a lot better, and while I don't have the Russian translation for it, it does come with the EFIGS text translation.


Hey guys! I added both translated files (German CRES.DLL and MODERNIZER.REZ) for current Version 1.006 (v3.1) to my Onedrive-Folder.!ApPkOOukRedChZgU8DyxB61EpU4Yrg?e=58S7pn

The german font in this game on modern systems is hardly legible. English is looking much better.

What else I noticed: i choose "normal" ammunition for weapons and switching back to another weapon the ammunition changes to "dum-dum" ammunition.

(1 edit)

Good job!
  Some errors:
- thick font and small letters, so it is difficult to read.
- not all game options are enabled (in the German version there is a lock, but this can be fixed)
- in the German version there are no three wav files.
I fixed all these errors.
In the Archive (900 Kb) there are two REZ-files with the German GUI (NOLF-font and Windows-font)
Unzip the archive into the folder with the NOLF game and run through the Command line of the Laucher, instructions in the Archive.
The command line takes precedence over the “Custom” folder, so the interface will be German
Download HERE German GUI for “NOLF Modernizer 1.006 Patch 3.1”

(1 edit)

Thanks Jorrik! In your version the german special characters (ä,ü,ö,ß) in cres.dll are missing. Was that on purpose? (This happened to me as i used the BlackAngel ResEdit. Used works fine for me)
PS: I Re-Uploaded this cres.dll cause of a small typing error.

(4 edits)

Sorry, I made a mistake while adjusting the ddl file.
If you will adjust, see the control lines in the dll-file 98, 750-752, 3763-3765
I fixed, Download this archive, there are two versions of German  in the archive
The version with the Nolf font is faster, but some (ä,ü,ö,ß) German letters are missing.
The Windows font version is less fast, but contains all German letters


Patch 3.1 is out 😎


Patch 3 is out 👀


Thanks! Shadows do work now and everything is looking good so far!!!

I encountered a very small bug: If you want to activate 8x anisotropic filtering, the game saves it as 16x, so you basically can't choose 8x. But yeah this isn't a big problem tbh...

I have three little questions: 

1. There was an option to enlarge the weapon icons, but I can't remember where it was :O. I can still edit the config "BindingIconSize", but still, I thought it was ingame somewhere..

2. There is an"FogEnable" option in the ini, which always resets to 0. Is the fog still enabled? I wonder that there is no ingame option except for "weather"

3. When I play with dgVoodoo, I get some ugly artifacts around the HUD. Any idea how to prevent this? (See image below)

Thanks a bunch for your work!


Ahh I missed one thing, I've released a hotfix that should fix that issue!

1) Controls -> Weapon Hotkeys -> Icon Size (or something similar!)

2) Fog is enabled/disabled automatically depending on the game state. (Loading screens turn off fog for example.)

3) That's just dgVoodoo being dgVoodoo. It's why I generally don't suggest it haha.


That was fast man! 

Thanks for the answers! Tbh i always had good results with dgVoodoo, and it's the only way for me to play with antialiasing because... nVidia control setup thingy is kinda weird with NOLF and NOLF2 and the settings aren't applied to this game. Anyway, thanks again!

(2 edits)

Good job, thank you!
A few notes:
- Multiplayer does not work. If you use this patch, then multiplayer works,
- Version 1.006 does not start on Windows 10 Enterprise 1809 LTSC
The error message is “Nolf Error. Couldn’t set D3D Emulation mode”. If you delete the d3dim700.dll file or replace it with the same file from WidescreenGOTY, then Version 1.006 starts.

- After setting a new screen resolution, the mouse moves in a limited area of 0.25 of the screen area. You must restart the game to become normal.

- On the Windows 7x64 SP1 Pro system, after closing the game, lithtech.exe error message
My game:  Nolf GOTY
My System: MB Z77HD3,  CPU Intel Core i5, RAM  16Gb, Video NVIDIA GeForce 560Ti , WD Gold 2Tb, Windows 10 Enterprise 1809 LTSC;   Windows 7x64 SP1 Pro

Multiplayer should work! I built the servers myself haha. I'm not sure if anyone is currently hosting.

As for the crashes and problems I'm not sure. Unfortunately we never got the source code to the direct3d renderer, so there's some annoying issues with certain system configs that make it impossible to get going. I will say Windows 7 is end of life, so I can only say for 10.

And I can't say I've experienced the mouse issue, nor have any of the folks who helped test it. But I'll keep an eye out!

Hopefully you've got it running in the end! It's an old game that needs some love far beyond what I can give it! 

(2 edits)

I checked your patch on an old computer (MB Gigabyte EP45DS3L CPU Core 2 Duo E8400, RAM 4Gb, Video GeForce 560Ti, OS Windows 7x86 SP1 Pro [MSDN] )

Game NOLF v. 1.004 (not GOTY) ... all errors were confirmed.

However, this doesn’t bother me at all, because I had no problems with the XL-747H mouse It's funny that someone has these problems ... it's interesting...

I think everyone should report the computer configuration, Windows version and game version.

New version hopefully out soon! A few more bugs to track down, and then we should be goood.

Here's some patch notes to tide you folks over. 😎

  • Bumped version to 1.006.
  • Patched out GameSpy from dedicated/hosted servers and the server browser.
  • Fixed a bug in ai path finding causing values to not always be accurate.
  • Fixed a silent out of range bug that could cause enemies to disappear and travel to a nearby galaxy at FTL speed!
  • Made the console key rebindable. (It's at the very bottom of the custom controls list.)
  • Added Big Head Mode! It's currently a little buggy, but humourous. Check the console command list on how to enable it.
  • Included some patched binaries to help improve compatibility.
  • Added a windowed mode toggle to the display options.
  • Added anisotropic filtering to advanced performance options.
  • Fixed shadows disappearing between cutscenes and saved games.

Hyped for this :)

(1 edit)

Hey Jake!

First of all, thanks a bunch for the patch! It makes playing NOLF a lot better. I am going to copypaste a post on reddit I made last week. Maybe you can help with it:

"I played the games ages ago, and wanted to play them again. NOLF 1 is working fine, but there are no shadows under the characters. Although, tbh, I don't remember if there were any to begin with, other games from that generation usually at least had blob shadows or something.

I vaguely remembered a tutorial on the internet that I can't find anymore. The person replaced some files from the game with files from the old NOLF demo and was able to activate dynamic shadows, multiple shadows per object (I think), self shadowing and more blood (or something). I am certain this was for the first game, and it worked back in the day for me.

Can someone remember this? And if not, is there any other way to add shadows to characters? I mean there are lots of shadow options in the config file..."

So basically, the blob shadows are there when I activate them, but quickly disappear after a loading screen or cutscene. Maybe this could be avoided in general if the dynamic shadows could be reactivated. :P

By the way: Shadows were originally implemented in the first tech demo, among other things like anisotropic filtering. Those options were removed from the final game, maybe due to their impact on performance. Here's a shot from the options screen I made.

Thanks in advance!!!


Yeah I've noticed the demo has some pretty neat shadows, however I'm not sure if that's exactly compatible with the latest version of NOLF. I'll poke around, but can't promise anything! We sadly don't have the source code for the direct3d renderer.

Hey Jake!

Thanks for the reply, and thanks for digging into it. Do you have any Idea why the shadows quickly disappear on my system? It seems to be a common problem, at least I read about it a couple of times.


After digging into that, I found that cinematics toggle off shadows for some reason. It also toggles it back on after the cinematics are finished but that doesn't seem to be working as intended. Odd how I never noticed this! 

I'll fix it for the next version, thanks for the report!


Thanks a lot! Afaik it also happens when you first start a level, but I guess it's the same problem. 

Anyway, I'm very happy to be able to play with some shadows after the update <3

(2 edits)

this fixes all the stuttering and mouse issues from before but now it crashes when exiting the game and randomly during gameplay, fault module name is usually stackhash_a158 or cshell.dll_unloaded, i'm using win7 64

Sorry for the crashing! I haven't encountered that error. It could be something related to Windows 7 (There's some compatibility stuff fixed in Windows 10), or another application affecting NOLF (like a third party anti virus, rivatuner statistics server, or a overlay.)

Unfortunately there's not a lot I can debug here. I've fixed quite a few bugs for the next release which might help but that's still a bit aways. 

Are you using an official disk install or the nolf revival release? I've developed some of the fixes off the no cd patched exe so having the original release run might cause some problems. (I'll be bundling it in with the next release.)

thanks for the reply,  i've tried for both the retail disk and the revival release versions with the same results.

Darn! Well if disabling some background applications that you aren't actively using doesn't help, you could try the other fix I made for NOLF. 

It uses a different method and isn't as extensive as modernizer but it plays the game just fine!

Download the NOLF revival version (Beta 2!), and disable modernizer.rez from Custom Rez (And any other custom rez file!) Then add "-rez lithfix" (not including the quotes!) to your Advanced Command Line.

Speedrunners use this release because modernizer changes things up a bit too much, so it's pretty stable and should work fine!

thanks again but the results are the same, maybe its windows 7 or something else on my end.

Odd. Apologies that neither method worked! Hopefully one day this can be re-released for sale with a wider fixing patch!

HeyJanke - thanks for the work on this.

Should one update the game installation with the available official patches BEFORE applying your modernization patch or is it to be installed only on the base game?

Sorry for the delay, I usually get notifications for comments..

The patch is based off the latest patch! It even supports the Game of the Year edition which should have the latest patch already installed! 

First of all, big thanks for the patch and all your work and effort; really appreciate it. I sure hope you find the time and energy to do one for NOLF2 even though it actually doesn't really need a community patch... well at least not as much as NOLF1 did.

Question - is it ok to simply overwrite the modenizer patch1 version with version Patch2 or do you recommend a fresh new install? (version conflict/incompatible files?)


2 is in development, nolf 1 just has more bugs to fix up first hah.

And overwriting the patch should work fine! Good luck and have fun!

(3 edits)

Maybe a unique situation.  But if you're duplicating your 1080p monitor and a 4k TV.  You get some odd results, the game is zoomed on both the tv and monitor.

To fix this:
Open the properties menu on the shortcut -> Compatibility -> Change high DPI settings -> check High DPI scaling override and select Application.

I also checked Use this setting to fix scaling... and select when "I open this program."  but this one seems unnecessary. 

Edit: Also, thanks for the Patch!

Yeah, unfortunately there's only so much I can fix. I believe this should be in the readme, but if not I'll add it in! The other way to fix it, is to disable DPI scaling.


Thanks for the reply!  I overlooked the readme, that would have saved me a bunch of time.  
Another issue (I don't know if it was caused by the patch) when switching weapons with the numbers it always goes to the fire bullets version.  Just mentioning it just in case.

Once again, well done!  I wish I was half as smart as you.

Yeaa that's the default behaviour of the game. It's annoying and a bit tricky to modify. It technically defaults to the "best" available ammo. I might look into adjusting it though. 

And no worries, hope you enjoyed the game! 

I guess it's a good way to make me use the "good" ammo.  Otherwise, I'll save the good ammo until I really need it and I'll never use it.

Any more patches in the future?

Yep! It'll come in due time. 


This is pretty good. I hope you'll do the same for NOLF2 someday.


That's the plan...eventually!

(1 edit) (+1)

Finished my Modernizer playthrough, what a pleasant experience! Just one more glitch - the music trigger is bit messy, while It's calm, it plays battle theme, while I'm in battle, it plays normal theme, and usually the music respond to my action - upseting bystanders, despatch enemies..etc, now it's just nothing XD, I can't even tell if I alerted the enemy or not.

Yea I've noticed that too! Might just be the game. 🤔

Glad you enjoyed it!

Greetings, I´m having problems with 1080p resolution, it keep the frames locked at 30 FPS, while every other resolution keeps it at 60 FPS

Oh odd. It must be selecting the wrong resolution in the list. (Each refresh rate is technically a different resolution. The game grabs the first resolution listed regardless of the refresh rate. Usually this is 60hz or 59.9hz, your system must be reporting 30hz first!)

I'll look into this further, it may take a few days though!

(1 edit)

I've looked into this more, and it doesn't seem like it's something I can fix. Apologies! There are some parts of it locked behind the engine.

What you might be able to do is create a custom resolution. You could make it 1920x1079 for example. Just make sure the refresh rate is set to 60hz and it might work! Then simply select that resolution in-game or in the launcher. (You don't have to set your desktop resolution to it!)

Here's some guides that might help!

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